Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Day at The Sewing and Stichery Expo

Goodwill Vintage Fashion Show

From bustles to bandeaus, hoop skirts to mini-skirts, volunteers with Tacoma Goodwill’s Golden Oldies group presents vintage fashions spanning a century of styles.
“The shows are not only entertaining but an educational walk through history,” said Mary Kay Manley, Golden Oldies president.

For an out-of-the-ordinary experience, try a Golden Oldies Fashion Show featuring over 100 years of stylish dos and don’ts. When it comes to fashion fun and knowledge, the Golden Oldies stage a delightful event.

Highlighting a century of fashion highs and lows, from Victorian lingerie to over-the-top psychedelic flower-power suits, from haute couture to knickerbockers, the Golden Oldies provide an entertaining and educational look at the world of women’s fashions.

The included authentic originals and appropriate fashion accessories. After all, no stylish woman from the 1920s would be without her foundation support, bloomers, dark silk stockings, hat and gloves. An extensive vintage collection makes each show a unique experience and all shows are a real treat!

1 comment:

MuleHill said...

Wonderful. Fashions change so quickly. Just imagine that the black and peach occurred in a single lifetime.

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