Saturday, April 23, 2016

I Can't Belive It ... I'm Tatting

Once in a while I get  bee in my bonnet. I have wanted to learn to tat for years. I've tried. The first time a woman I knew tried to teach me, I failed. And while she was an expert at tatting, she wasn't so much as a teacher. (Or maybe I wasn't much of a student). Any way her shuttle and I just didn't bond.

The second time, one of the local quilt shops offered a class on needle tatting. I thought 'oh boy' now is my time. Be alas no success!

But last week at the International Quilt Festival - Chicago, there was this booth,  Handy Hands, and they knew all about tatting. So I bought a book, set of needles and a ball of yarn. And I'm pleased to say with the book and YouTube, I'm tatting!


Jean Campbell said...

Great start. All it takes is the desire to do a thing. I have shuttles and thread; wonder what holds me back?

Melody Crust said...


Add youtube to the mix and try again.

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