Saturday, July 8, 2017

Practical Tips For Quilting Designs

Some of you were wondering how I decide which free motion quilting patterns to use, so I thought I would share a few ideas.
The first step is having a repertoire of great filler patterns that work well together. These filler patterns will be your go-tos in a pinch. You should practice them a lot so that you can fit them into strange spaces. After lots of experience, you’ll be able to look at an area and instinctively know what designs will fit there easily. I don’t have a large number of patterns that I cycle through, but the ones that I do know, I’m very comfortable with. I’m also very willing to try out new patterns – in the grand scheme of things, if you struggle with one small area, onlookers will never notice. They’ll look at the overall picture of your project. One tip I would give you is that matching thread hides a multitude of sins. However, I love to change the colors a lot!

They need to be able to fit in a variety of areas AND you need to be comfortable stitching them!

Flowers - my favorite
Linear lines - note the dark yellow stitch - it's the triple stitch (more on that later)
Spirals, Greek Key, Paisleys

Hopefully that gives you a good start! If you are wanting to try blended quilting, make a list of some of the designs that 1) you are confident with and 2) work well together. Of course, it’s never too late to learn some new patterns!

What are some of your favorite free motion quilting fillers? Any that you would add to this list?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Spirals, always spirals--curved, square, or fitted into any shape. They are my absolute go-to shape!

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