Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quilt Show

Cosmic Dream
24" x 36"
Usually I have more ideas than I can put into action. I think that traveling in space would be fantastic. I took the opportunity to combine this outer worldly desire with my love of glittery things. Normally the work seems to flow naturally. This time, however I struggled. I sewed many samples before the piece became reality.

This work started as a piece of white cotton cloth. I painted the background with dye, foiled the stars and then machine quilted overall with a variety of specialty threads.

Tiger hill
24" x 36"
I might get an idea from a color scheme in a diner, or from a fabric, or a new technique I want to try. Most of the time they come from a physical place maybe the flowers in a garden or an exotic location I visited.

Cotton and silk fabrics machine pieced. Over laid with paint sticks and quilted with a variety of specialty threads.

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