Thursday, July 2, 2009

International Quilt Festival - Houston

Celebrating 35 years of great quilts the International Quilt Festival in Houston offers a selection of hands on classes. I am pleased to say I'll be teaching with the following line-up of workshops! See you there!
As always the first person in a workshop to say "Happy Monday or whatever day of the week" gets a gift from me!

Paint Stick Magic
Make elegant fabric with the look of airbrushing! Paint sticks applied to cotton or silk are simple, fun and permanent. This revealing hands-on workshop is for quilt, doll and clothing makers.

Fantastic Fabric Foiling
Bring your projects to life with instant glitz and shine. Foiling on fabric is easy, fun and permanent. This informative hands-on workshop is for both traditional and non-traditional quilt and clothing makers.

New Friday Sampler - Paint Like Monet
Fabric paints can enrich your material before you begin sewing—or at any time during the construction process. Use paints to add new designs or dimension to any portion of your quilts, making the fabrics uniquely your own.

Borders the Final Chapter
Add grace, spontaneity, sophistication or any effect you desire to your quilt. Harness the power of a cleverly designed border by solving the mystery of designing and sewing borders that work.

Mixed Media Miscellany - Stencil Like a Pro
All you need to know to stencil on fabric - let your imagination do the rest!

New Super Fast Binding and Piping
Is binding the quilt your least favorite part? Bindings and piping are a snap with this no-fail completely machine-stitched method. Come and learn a piping and binding technique to make your quilts stand out in a crowd. In class you will be making a sample to take home and use on your own quilts. Binding will never be the same again!

Sunday Sampler
Wild and Wonderful Thread
Thread is so much more than a basic necessity! There’s an abundance of luscious new colors and types available to ignite our imaginations.

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