Friday, August 23, 2013

Pacific West Quilt Show

Pacific West Quilt Show

August 23-25GTCTC
Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center
1500 Broadway
Tacoma, WA 98402

I'm off to the show today. Hope to see you there! 
I'm looking forward to the special exhibits that include: 
Stitches Through Time
For 2013 we will present a special quilt exhibit, Stitches Through Time, to feature a retrospective of APNQ/APWQ winning contest quilts from 1994 to 2012. This exhibit will chronicle the outstanding work that has been created in the region throughout the years.
La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum
The Museum’s permanent collection includes quilts and textiles ranging from the 1820’s to contemporary works. This special exhibit will feature a selection of the antique quilts in their collection, as well as quilts on loan to them from collectors. Founded in 1997, the La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum is the only quilt museum in the State of Washington. To learn more, please visit their website at
Cindy Needham - Machine Magic
Cindy has been quilting now for 42 years. Recognized for her spectacular vintage linen quilts, she has created her own unique style of heirloom machine quilting. Specially curated for the 2013 PWQS, this selection of elegantly quilted pieces displays her progression as a machine quilter throughout the years.
APWQ Members' Exhibit
We’ve seen the imaginative and beautiful quilts that you, the quilters of the region, are making. In an effort to encourage, honor and recognize all the quiltmaking talent in our region, we invite you to share your work for these exhibits. All members of APWQ are eligible to submit regardless of where you reside.
From Away is a travelling exhibition of 28 works by members of the Fibre Art Network. From Away is a Maritime expression meaning “Not from Around Here.” As a Western Canadian group their art reflects individual style, perspective, experience, and their personal journeys with fibre medium.

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