Sunday, July 13, 2014

Historical Quilts


The Quilts

The idea for a quilt to honor the pioneers who were in the County before the year 1920 was conceived by Mrs. Walter Oberst and approved by Mrs. Abby Kidwell, president of the Historical Society. The interest was so great that we soon realized that we would have to make two quilts. The first quilt is now finished and is on display in the historical display case in the Franklin County court house, Pasco.

Those who contributed materials are:

Mrs. Abby Kidwell and Mrs. Catherine Harder Peot - material for the white and blue blocks. Mrs. Sadie Mc/Fadden Ziegler the batting tor both quilts. Mrs. Rowena Ingram - lining material.

The quilting was done by Mrs. Don Cox and Mrs.
Rowena Ingram assisted by Mrs. Beulah Dunston, Mrs. Helen Hummel, Mrs Loraine Quinn and Mrs. Julie Reider.

The second quilt top 1s nearing completion, with ten blocks still out to he finished. When the top is completed quilters will be needed.

Our special thanks go to Mrs. Lloyd Cochrane and those who helped dietribute the blocks in the outer areas.

The interest and cooperation during this project has been

a pleasure - thanks to all. Rowena Ingram

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