Saturday, October 17, 2015

Les Baux

This is an extremely picturesque village with royal history beyond the ordinary. Les-Baux-de-Provence is a touristic site rather than an active village, but that's not a discredit considering the beauty of the village and the surrounding hills.

While much of the southern part of the Alpilles is exposed rock, the northern slopes, where the road zig-zags down to (or up from) St. Rémy, is thickly forested. The road up to Les Baux from the southeast passes through olive groves and vineyards. 

Just inside the entrance to the village are narrow cobblestone streets, terrace cafés, souvenir shops and touristsThe village area is a stone and cobblestone medieval village time-warped to the 20th century. The real glory of Les Baux is the site, viewed from the exterior, and the chateau-fortress area beyond the village.

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