Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Scrap Quilts

Lemonade - my current quilt
I finally decided to start a new quilt for our bed. Double bed sized quilts are just not working on the queen sized bed. And since my favorite quilts are made from many scraps, it is logical that I'll make another scrap quilt. The bedroom is pink and yellow so the color decision is easy. Pink and yellow with a hint for turquoise to liven up the party.

I have lots of fabric in my stash and I am going to use as much of it as I can.  But how do I decide how much is enough?

I have tentatively decided to make 8"stars. That means for a quilt 100" square I'll need about 170 stars if I set them block to block. I doubt that I'll set them block to block, so I have  decided to make about 100 blocks.

I like all these yellows.

I'll need about 400 2 1/2" squares. If I count and weigh 100 of them, then I can weight as many as I need without counting all 400.

Follow along for the next few months as I sew my new quilt.

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