Thursday, September 8, 2016

I'm on a tear

All year my stuff has been toooo much! Here is a list of things to do for the next 30 days. If I start at the top surely I can do one a day! Wish me luck.

30 things to toss/delete or just plain remove from my life

Wrapping paper scraps
Empty jars or storage containers
Expired coupons
Worn out/burned pot holders
Canned goods – past pull date
Scratched Teflon frying pans
Old pots you never use
Old pillows
Worn out sheets
Skinny jeans
Old shoes
Purses that never see the light of day
Mismatched or old socks
Raggedy t-shirts
Scarves you never wear
Product samples
Expired meds
Thick nail polish
Old make-up
Un-matched earrings
Old electronics
Old phones
Apps you never use
Delete bad or out of focus photos
Old texts
Junk emails
Delete apps or emails from stores where you never shop
Gifts you don’t need or want
Old Christmas cards
Christmas lights that don’t work

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