Friday, September 23, 2016

Stitching Through the Layers

Should I say it? Christmas is just around the corner. Need to finish those gifts?  Stitching Through the Layers: The Art and Elegance of Straight Line Quilting is just what you need!

Quilting for me is part of the original design idea. It’s as important as the color or piecing design. I like
all the parts of quiltmaking, but design and fabric selection are my favorites. As I travel and teach quilting design workshops, it became obvious to me that many quilters find choosing a quilting design to be very challenging. Most realize that a good design can make or break a quilt. But free motion can be very intimidating. There had to be a better way. 

In my machine quilting workshops I try to help everyone get past that apprehension. Sometimes I find that we just don’t have enough hours in the day for all the things we need to do much less want to do, and good free motion takes practice, lots of practice. There just had to be a better way. So Stitching Through the Layers; The Art and Elegance of Straight Line Stitching was born. The slogan became “Move your quilt one big step toward stardom! This book makes it EASY for you to decide how to maximize the ‘wow’ factor by using the right stitching in the right way and in the right places!”

Osterman Media ISBN 978-0-9838274-0-5 paperback
28 pages, 8 1/2" 11".   $19.55

Order Now


Melody Crust said...

Oh those doilies are right up my alley and what better combo than purple and lime green!
I agree, the background is there for the doilies. I love this quilt!
Jan from Kent.

Melody Crust said...

Thanks Jan, I love this quilt too!

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