Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Quilt Show

Dimensions: 36”w X 48”h
This theme suggests the separation and protection of natural beauty necessary in the sometimes harsh urban environment of today's inner cities. The dramatic directional lines of the fence were chosen to add a rhythmic strength to the composition. Light airy floral gradations heighten the effective contrast.

This quilt is hand appliqued and machine pieced using many commercial fabrics. The machine quilting adds the final textural effects.


22½" X 22½"

New Year's Eve              
Embroidery has been one of my favorite methods of expression. This piece combines several enjoyable techniques; machine quilting, machine piecing, hand embroidering and embellishment.The quilt feels all dressed-up and needs someplace to go, hence the name "New Year's Eve".
Cotton, silk & real polyester materials, hand embroidered & beaded, machine pieced, appliqued & quilted.

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