Friday, February 9, 2018

Sewing Scraps

Patti A. this one's for you!
I'm home and just want to sew. When this compulsion is the driving force in my life, I 'make fabric' otherwise called string quilt blocks. Some of you will think I am crazy, but I use the resulting fabric and love to make it! No rules, no exact 1/4" seams, what can be wrong with that?
I keep all the scraps that are less than 1 1/2" but more than 1" in one place.

When I want to sew, I sort them by color.

On my sewing table I sort them into small, medium and wide widths, sewing the short sides in each group together.

I sew all the similar with strips short sides together.

 Then I start sewing these funny strips together. When I first started doing this I realized that the pieces would be easier to manage if I arbitrarily decided to make everything one width, so mine are the size of the my sewing machine side to side. Before my new sewing machine 18", now it's about 24". Remember there are no 'rules' but be sure that all the edges are caught in the seam.

I press the seams open, this distributes the bulk and eliminates the need for a foundation.

I call this 'free fabric'

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